10 factors that affect the value of your business
10 factors that affect the value of your business

Thinking of selling? Or just curious to know the value of your business in case you do decide to put it on the market at some point? Many business owners are well-wide of the mark when placing a value on their prized asset. They overvalue it and under-prepare for their exit, believing in a huge […]

It Pays Off: 7 reasons business owners should pay themselves a salary
It Pays Off: 7 reasons business owners should pay themselves a salary

Think back to the days before you started your business, when you were working for a boss. Chances are you were rewarded for your hard work with a regular salary. It may not have always been the same amount, but it came through like clockwork. And for the next week, month or however often you […]

Applying the small business restructure rollover
Applying the small business restructure rollover

Small business entities can change the legal structure of their business without incurring an income tax liability, following the introduction of the small business restructure rollover in July last year.

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